You can find an example using our FSM (Finite State Machine) library to create an Arduino program to measure the time to achieve 0 to 100 kph. The speed is read from the CAN bus and we are using the SetFilters() function, which uses the HW feature to only allows receive the messages with a specific ID (where the car speed is sent).
You can download the FSM library for Arduino022 from:
You need to copy it into the libraries folder.
Below, the state machine diagram of the "Chrono Starts" sketch:
Arduino sketch:
Code myStates.h:
You can find an example using our FSM (Finite State Machine) library to create an Arduino program to measure the time to achieve 0 to 100 kph. The speed is read from the CAN bus and we are using the SetFilters() function, which uses the HW feature to only allows receive the messages with a specific ID (where the car speed is sent).
You can download the FSM library for Arduino022 from:
You need to copy it into the libraries folder.
Below, the state machine diagram of the "Chrono Starts" sketch:
(click to enlarge the diagram)
Arduino sketch:
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // SECUduino: Chrono 0 to 100 kph // By Igor Real // 23/10/2011 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <FSM.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> #include <CAN.h> #include "myStates.h" #define delayShowData 7000 #define SpeedTarget 100 //VARIABLES unsigned char myEvent; char myByteRec; unsigned long my0to100; unsigned long t0; unsigned long t_prev; float Speed; char bUpdateLCD; LiquidCrystal LCD(13,12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7); void setup() { LCD.begin(20,4); bUpdateLCD=1; func1(); //Print Initial screen CAN.begin(100); uint16_t Filters[6]; uint16_t Masks[2]; Masks[0]=0x3FF; Masks[1]=0x3FF; Filters[0]=0x351; //Buffer0 Filters[2]=0x351; //Buffer1 CAN.SetFilters(Filters,Masks); //Only messages with ID=0x351 are allowed in both Rx buffers FSM.begin(FSM_NextState,nStateMachine,FSM_State,nStateFcn,STATE1); } void loop() { ReadEvents(); FSM.Update(); } void ReadEvents(void) { if (CAN.CheckNew() ) { CAN.ReadFromDevice(&CAN_RxMsg); Speed=0.005*(256*CAN_RxMsg.data[2]+CAN_RxMsg.data[1]); //Speed=CAN_RxMsg.data[0]; LCD.setCursor(0,1); LCD.print("Speed= "); LCD.print((int)Speed); } if (Speed<=0){ FSM.AddEvent(EV_Stop); }else if (Speed>=SpeedTarget){ FSM.AddEvent(EV_100); }else if ( (Speed>0) && (Speed<SpeedTarget) ){ FSM.AddEvent(EV_Start); } } void func1(void) { if (bUpdateLCD) { LCD.clear(); LCD.setCursor(0,0); LCD.print(" *- SECUduino -*"); LCD.setCursor(0,2); LCD.print("State 1"); bUpdateLCD=0; } } void func2(void) { LCD.setCursor(0,2); LCD.print("State 2"); bUpdateLCD=1; } void func3(void) { t0=millis(); LCD.setCursor(0,2); LCD.print("State 3"); FSM.AddEvent(0); } void func4(void) { LCD.setCursor(0,2); LCD.print("State 4"); } void func5(void) { my0to100=millis()-t0; t_prev=millis(); LCD.setCursor(0,2); LCD.print("State 4"); LCD.setCursor(0,3); LCD.print((float)my0to100/(float)1000.0); LCD.print(" s"); while(millis()-t_prev<=delayShowData); FSM.AddEvent(EV_Wait); }
Code myStates.h:
//----------------------------------------------------- //ESTE ES EL ÚNICO FICHERO QUE HAY QUE MODIFICAR //----------------------------------------------------- #ifndef myStates_H #define myStates_H //Declaracion de las funciones extern void func1(void); extern void func2(void); extern void func3(void); extern void func4(void); extern void func5(void); //Declaracion del nombre de ESTADOS y de EVENTOS #define STATE1 0x01 #define STATE2 0x02 #define STATE3 0x03 #define STATE4 0x04 #define STATE5 0x05 #define EV_Start 0x01 #define EV_100 0x02 #define EV_Stop 0x03 #define EV_Wait 0x04 // Estructuras descriptivas de mi diagrama de flujo const FSMClass::FSM_State_t FSM_State[] PROGMEM= { // STATE,STATE_FUNC {STATE1,func1}, {STATE2,func2}, {STATE3,func3}, {STATE4,func4}, {STATE5,func5}, }; const FSMClass::FSM_NextState_t FSM_NextState[] PROGMEM= { // STATE,EVENT,NEXT_STATE {STATE1,EV_Stop,STATE2}, {STATE2,EV_Start,STATE3}, {STATE3,0,STATE4}, {STATE4,EV_100,STATE5}, {STATE4,EV_Stop,STATE1}, {STATE5,EV_Wait,STATE1}, }; //Macros para el cálculo de los tamaños de las estructuras //NO MODIFICAR #define nStateFcn sizeof(FSM_State)/sizeof(FSMClass::FSM_State_t) #define nStateMachine sizeof(FSM_NextState)/sizeof(FSMClass::FSM_NextState_t) #endif
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